Haiti – Elections : Bill Clinton appeals to recount

After the call to recount the votes by the ambassadors on Monday, Bill Clinton launched yesterday in the Dominican Republic where he co-chaired the 4th session of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), a call for a recount of ballots from the disputed presidential election in Haiti.

« I think that course may offer the best opportunity for the people of Haiti to accept the result, » declared to the press the former président Bill Clinton « We need an objective view of this count » recalling that the members of the Provisional Electoral Council are at the origin of this initiative.

According to Bill Clinton, a greater international presence is needed to monitor the recount so that the Haitian people can trust the results and that the world is able to support the government to rebuild the country. « It makes it easier for me to go get the donors to honor their commitments, […] over the long run, it makes it easier for me to get new investors to come in and people to work and create a new economy ».

Recall that 2 of the 3 star candidates (Mirlande Manigat and Michel Martelly) refuses to participate in the recount.

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